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Thinking About Choice and Strategy
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

Strategy guides choices; choices allow for strategy.

Thinking About Variability
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

How to use Shewhart charts to understand the variability of your metrics

Thinking About Cause and Effect
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

How to use causal models to discover points of leverage where you can make different decisions

Thinking About Context and Decisions
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

When the right answer to a question is 'it depends,' what does that really mean?

Top 5 Manager Failure Modes
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

A list of common pitfalls for managers.

Focus. Deliver. Learn. Repeat.
Elisabeth Hendrickson
Elisabeth Hendrickson

How high functioning teams focus by limiting WIP, deliver frequently in small increments, and learn continuously.
