

Thank you for your interest in working with me! How can I help you?

One-on-One Coaching. Work with me one-on-one. Designed for technical leaders looking for support navigating day-to-day challenges, we work on the topics and concerns that are top of mind for you. Depending on what you need at any given time, I can play the role of coach, advisor, or sounding board.

Leadership Cohort Program. In this structured program designed for teams of leaders, we’ll work together to improve collaboration, tackle pressing challenges, and raise everyone’s game.

Facilitation. My combination of leadership experience and facilitation skill enables me to be an effective facilitator in high-stakes meetings including high-level strategy planning sessions, project kickoffs, team-building workshops, large retrospectives, and sensitive post mortems.

Consulting and Fractional Leadership. If you need an outside perspective or interim engineering leader, I can help.

Courses. I offer courses on a range of topics, both live and self-paced.

Ready to talk about possibilities? Please reach out!